How To Use Auto Clicker To Automate Your Work?

Want to know how to use auto clicker software to automate the clicking process of any Windows PC mouse? Auto Clicker allows the user to automate the clicking process of the mouse with the use of a touch-sensitive device such as a pen, pencil, or finger. This type of software is specially designed to make PC activities more convenient and less stressful for the user.

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how to use auto clicker


Auto Clicker uses high-processor random access memory to store the mouse clicks and their corresponding actions. It is a compact, self-contained program that runs in single or multiple windows. Use Auto Clicker for automatically clicking Right, Left or Middle Mouse Button by having a configurable, single-touch shortcut to execute Auto Clicker commands. Using Auto Clicker, you could Auto Click any mouse button at variable or fixed Mouse Clicking Rate of your choice.


When using an auto clicker, it could be frustrating when the application decides to stop and start each click. Fortunately, there are three methods to set the Hotkeys to execute specific actions. These include: Tools - Hotkey, Command Keys - Mouse Button Click/ Hover, and Context menus - Menu/Click/Search. Once you learn how to use auto clicker correctly, it would be much easier for you to execute the desired hotkey or command within the confines of the application.

How to Use Auto Clicker to automate Your Work?


The first step is to learn about the various commands or hotkeys that allow the Auto Clicker to work. The most commonly used and popular command is the Escape key which is used to exit from clicking mode. Similarly, there is an option to click the right or left arrow which will minimize the application. Another useful option is to double-click the mouse button. It is also possible to press the Space bar while the mouse is within the clicked region to minimize the application.


There are other useful options such as the Tab and Enter keys which will temporarily switch to another window. While in this other window, Auto Clicker programs can be easily started by pressing the tabs or Enter keys. In addition, the mouse button can also be pressed to enter a specific application. This allows you to quickly automate many clicks that may be common for users of the Auto Clicker software. It can be a good way to automate repetitive tasks such as adding, modifying and deleting multiple emails in one go, or even bookmarking sites and their pages for future reference.


The second step on how to use auto clicker is to learn how to use the mouse cursor to start the clicking process. The mouse cursor is used to point at an area on the screen which you would like the Auto Clicker application to target. To target that area, the mouse cursor should be moved over the targeted area using the arrow keys on the keyboard. If desired, the mouse cursor can be moved around using the control keys and shift buttons on the keyboard. After the desired area has been targeted, the auto clicking process will start.


The third step on how to use auto clicker is to learn how to use the intervals between the mouse clicks. Interval based clicking is similar to the normal clicking process where the interval between mouse clicks is determined by the width and height of the target area, although it differs in the manner in which information is sent between the computer and the clicking process. In the normal case, the computer will indicate the start and end of the interval based on the coordinates of the targeted area. The start point and end point for interval based clicking are determined by the parameters of the system that is running the Auto Clicker application. The start and end points can be changed by using the control keys and shift buttons.


On how to use task automation using an auto Clicker, it is important to remember that it is an important tool to automate repetitive tasks. If you are familiar with basic computer tasks such as entering information into a form or pushing a button on the keyboard, then you will find that the process of clicking automatically will help you in performing these tasks more efficiently. Once you get used to it, you will find that it helps you save time and effort in performing these tasks and makes your job easier and less error prone.

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